Express clearing all types of calcium stratum

Cleaning the coffee machine is a constant for any user.
Everything is simple here - either you regularly clean the coffee machine or ... say goodbye to the equipment in 7-8 months. The descaling process is a very simple procedure. So you can always drink delicious rich coffee, and your machine will last a long time.
Professional cleaning products for espresso machines - coffee makers and TM SVOD coffee machines - gently remove limescale, which accumulates over time on the heating element and internal parts.
After cleaning, your coffee maker will be just as perfect for tasting coffee as it was on the first day of use!
For the efficient operation of your espresso machine or coffee machine, preventative cleaning is necessary after using every 60 liters of water.
Granular agent "SVOD TVN", 0.5 kg
Granular agent is a white crystalline powder. Suitable for cleaning coffee machines from all manufacturers. Effective in flushing without heating. Mode of application: ​Depending on the vol…
price: 185 UAH
Granular agent "SVOD TVN", 1 kg
Granular agent is a white crystalline powder. Suitable for cleaning coffee machines from all manufacturers. Effective in flushing without heating. Mode of application: ​Depending on the vol…
price: 300 UAH
Liquid remedy (CONCENTRATE) "SVOD Decalcification", 200 ml
Liquid product, concentrate. Suitable for cleaning coffee machines from all manufacturers. Effective in flushing without heating. Mode of application: Depending on the volume of the hopper, …
price: 140 UAH
Liquid agent (CONCENTRATE) "SVOD Decalcification", 1000 ml
Liquid product, concentrate. Suitable for cleaning coffee machines from all manufacturers. Effective in flushing without heating. Mode of application: Depending on the volume of the hopper, dis…
price: 340 UAH
Liquid agent (CONCENTRATE) "SVOD Decalcification", 5000 ml
Liquid agent, concentrate. Suitable for cleaning coffee machines and coffee machines of all manufacturers. Effective in cold wash mode. Mode of application: Prepare a solution - dilute in a ratio of …
price: 1,260 UAH
As a rule, the thinnest and most vital part of the coffee machine tends to clog up very quickly. This is a metal filter (strainer) inside the brewing unit (brewing unit). The diameter of the holes in this strainer is thinner than the needle tip. Over time, coffee oils firmly adhere to the walls on the inside of this strainer. And not only the strainer is able to become clogged with oils, but also the further part through which the ready-made coffee drink flows.
Long-term lack of cleaning is fraught with serious consequences. A clogged system can damage the drain valve and ultimately you will need to repair the coffee machine.
To prevent this, use the SVOD-COFFEE OIL CLEAN tool. It perfectly removes coffee resins from brewing groups, brewing units, sieves, and is also used to clean holders.
"SVOD-coffee oil clean" жидкий концентрат (1 л)
ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЕ КОНЦЕНТРИРОВАННОЕ СРЕДСТВО ДЛЯ ОЧИСТКИ РАБОЧИХ ГРУПП И ХОЛДЕРОВ ОТ КОФЕЙНЫХ МАСЕЛ. Предназначен для генерального и ежедневного очищения кофемашин. Рекомендованно использовать…
price: 180 UAH
Granular agent "SVOD-COFFEE OIL CLEAN", 0.5 kg
Granular agent is a white crystalline powder. Suitable for cleaning coffee machines from all manufacturers. Mode of application: Load 1 scoop ( 6-7 g) of the product into the special compartme…
price: 165 UAH
Granular agent "SVOD-COFFEE OIL CLEAN", 1 kg
Granular agent is a white crystalline powder. Suitable for cleaning coffee machines from all manufacturers. Mode of application: Load 1 scoop (6-7 g) of the product into the special compartmen…
price: 290 UAH
Any device, whether it is a budget model or a premium coffee machine, must be regularly cleaned of milk deposits, bacteria and coffee fat residues, the only way to achieve long-term and proper operation. Cleaning of dairy systems should be carried out by special means, regularity depends on the operation, model, brand and quality of raw materials. The more often the appliance is used, the faster the cappuccino machine gets dirty. Even if the quality of milk leaves no complaints, constantly in contact with the structure, it is difficult to remove it from the surface.
SVOD - MILK CLEAN is an ideal composition cleaner for clean and gentle cleaning of systems. The principle of its action is based on washing the milk dispenser with a special solution, this allows you to make the device as hygienic as possible and eliminate bacteria.
Liquid product (CONCENTRATE) "SVOD - MILK CLEAN", 200 ml
Liquid product, concentrate. Suitable for cleaning coffee machines from all manufacturers. Mode of application: For effective cleaning, it is necessary to dilute 25-50 ml of concentrate (1-2 me…
price: 80 UAH
Liquid agent (CONCENTRATE) "SVOD - MILK CLEAN", 1000 ml
Liquid product, concentrate. Suitable for cleaning coffee machines from all manufacturers. Mode of application: For effective cleaning, it is necessary to dilute 30-50 ml of concentrate with 50…
price: 200 UAH
Promotional kits for home care of the coffee machine
Professional home coffee machine kit "SVOD"
Now there is no need to call the master at home or take the coffee machine to the service center! All the necessary funds to care for the coffee machine, we have collected in the promotional kit! You…
price: 300 UAH
Professional set for home care of the SVOD coffee machine No. 2
Now there is no need to call the master at home or take the coffee machine to the service center! We have collected all the necessary means for caring for a coffee machine in a promotional set! Your …
price: 350 UAH
Express descaling
As we already know, scale forms on the surface of water heating!
And this applies not only to coffee machines, but also to other household appliances, where the heating process takes place. And everything requires timely care!
We are pleased to offer you a universal effective tool for quickly removing scale from kettles, double boilers, dishwashers and washing machines, steam cleaners and other water heaters.

SVOD -TVN descaling agent, 50 grams
The product delicately and efficiently removes scale, rust and residues of washing powder on heating elements and the interior of household appliances (electric kettles, washing and dishwashers, doub…
price: 65 UAH
Why water scale is dangerous?
During exploitation any water-heating equipment is often arisen necessity in such procedure as clearing. If people regard to technology carefully, they will be soiled. Even if water filtrates and special chemical treatment which is leaked nevertheless calcium stratum and corrosive sediments will be accumulated. There are sufficient amount of salts and minerals in any water, which at high temperatures are gravitated on the inner walls of water-heating equipment, thereby significantly reducing productivity.
The thermal conductivity of scale and corrosive pollution approximately is 40 times lower than the thermal conductivity of the heating spiral according polluted equipment will be required to maintain the temperature of much larger power consumption than pure. Pollution, thickness of only one millimeter, increases the amount of power consumption by 5-6%, and if it has not been cleaned for a long time, the scale layer can be increased to five or more millimeters, and it is involved still more power consumption and financial expenses. That is why, in order to save money, it is recommended to clean equipments systematically and in time.
Research and Design Institute (R&D Institute) ““Water-purifying technologies”, Ukraine.
The company is made a specialty out of development and production agents in the area of water conditioning and purification. A friendly personnel is worked on tasks at hand. The staff consists of one hundred and fifty professionals of different specialities. There are modern laboratories, a development laboratory, research centre, innovation department and service in the technological infrastructure of the institute. According to demands DSTU (State Standards of Ukraine) ISO 9001-2001 it has been introduced quality management system at the company. Over the years the Institute has approved himself as reliable producer of qualitative modern products which are in charge of ecological standard. The activity of “Water-purifying technologies” is marked by many rewards of which is prize of rating “100 the best companies of Ukraine” in nomination of “Industrial ecology, conservation of energy and resource conservation”. Specialists of Institute have used experience which they have got in the performance of tasks of commercial scale when they have been creating household seria “SVOD”. That is why our filters are differed improved reliability and improved ability.
Trading house «SVOD»
LLC “Promdex-Ukraine”